김광호 교수는 서울대학교 사회학과를 졸업하고 동 대학 행정대학원에서 석사학위를 취득하였으며 미국 Pennsylvania State University에서 경영학박사학위를 받았다. 한국외국어대학교에 재직하기 전에는 홍콩에 위치한 City University of Hong Kong에서 조교수로 근무했다.
- International business
- Social network theory
- Competitive Dynamics
- Interfirm Competition and Cooperation
- 2004.8.-2009.12. Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business, Ph.D. in Management and Organization
- 2001.8.-2003.5. Carnegie Mellon University, Heinz School of Public Policy and Management, Master of Science in Public Policy and Management
- 1997.3.-1999.8. 서울대학교 행정대학원 (정책학석사)
- 1990.3.-1996.2. 서울대학교 사회학과 학사
경력 및 활동
- 2013.08 - 현 재 한국외국어대학교 경영대학 교수
- 2009.08 - 2013.08 City University of Hong Kong, Assistant Professor
- 2004.04 - 2004.08 삼성SDS
- Weng, D., Kim, K-H. 2023. Letting go or pushing forward: Director death and firm risk-taking, Long Range Planning, Long Range Planning, 56 (3), 102322.
- Kim, K-H. 2023. Expenditures on human resource development and firm financial performance: from the resource orchestration perspective, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 62 (1), e12383
- 김민중, 김광호, 김영희, 2021. Strategic Emphasis and its Performance Implication: Difference between the US and China, 국제경영연구, 32.
- Kim, K-H. 2020. Coopetition: Complexity of cooperation and competition in dyadic and triadic relationships, Organizational Dynamics, 49 (2), 100683.
- 김광호, 2020. Alliance with a Rival’s Partner and Firm Performance: Focused on the US Software industry. 국제경영연구, 31.
- Kim, K-H., Lattemann, C., Il Park, B., & Zhang, W. 2019. New international business theories for China goes global? The importance of institutions, innovativeness and learning. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 14 (1): 2-5.
- Kim, K-H., Kim, M., & Qian, C. 2018. Effects of corporate social responsibility on corporate financial performance: A competitive-action perspective. Journal of Management, 44 (3): 1097-1118.
- 김광호, Lee, S., & Park, J. 2018. Subsidiary Staff Composition and Repatriation of Earnings: Moderating Effects of Subsidiary Ownership and Age. 국제경영연구, 29 (3): 1-32.
- Kim, M., Xiong, G., & Kim, K-H. 2018. Where does pride lead? Corporate managerial hubris and strategic emphasis. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46 (3): 537-556.
- He, S., Fallon, G., Khan, Z., Lew, Y. K., Kim, K-H., & Wei, P. 2017. Towards a new wave in internationalization of innovation? The rise of China's innovative MNEs, strategic coupling, and global economic organization. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 34 (4): 343-355.
- Kim, K-H. 2017. Cooperative or Competitive in Alliance formation: Alliance Patterns With Respect To Rivals. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. 34 (3): 277-290.
- Kim, K-H. 2016. Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment on the Most Centralized Country: Evidence from Kaesong Industrial Complex in North Korea. Thunderbird International Business Review, 58: 305-316
- Kim, K-H., Kim, T-H., Kim, T-Y., & Byun, H. 2016. Effect of Lateral Partners on Law Firm Performance. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27 (3): 338-354.
- 김광호. 2014. The Impacts of Embeddedness between Investment Banks in M&A on M&A Fees, 전략경영연구, 17: 93-112
- Kim, K-H., & Tsai, W. 2012. Social Comparison among Competing Firms. Strategic Management Journal, 33: 115-136.
- Ren, H., Gray, B., & Kim, K-H. 2009. Performance of International Joint Ventures: What Factors Really Make a Difference and How? Journal of Management, 35: 805-832.
- Zhang, G., Kim, K-H., & Yang, H. 2012. Are High Status firms More Likely to Be Brokers? Academy of Management Best Paper Proceeding.
[학술대회 발표논문]
- Kim, K-H. 2016. Embeddedness between Investment Banks and Acquisition Premium in M&A. Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, CA.
- Kim, M-C., Xiong, G., & Kim, K-H. 2016. Where does Pride Lead You? Managerial Hubris and Resource Allocation. Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, CA.
- 김광호, 2014. Manager Re-employment after Career Failure in the Major Sports Teams. 경영관련학회 하계 통합학술대회, 대구.
- Kim, K-H., Kim, M-C., Qian, Cuili, & Park, B-I., 2014. Effects of CSR on Firm Financial Performance: A competitive Action Perspective. Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
- Kim, K-H., & Park, B-I., 2014. Being Cooperative or Competitive in Alliance Formation around a Rival. Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
- Park, B-I., & Kim, K-H. 2014. Antecedents for CSR Practices in Small and Medium Sized MNE Subsidiaries: A Stake holder Perspective. Academy of International Business, Vancouver, Canada.
- 김광호, 2014. Co-opetition: A Review and Research Agenda. 한국전략경영학회 춘계학술대회, 서울.
- Zhang, G., Kim, K-H., & Yang, H. 2012. Are High Status firms more Likely to Be Brokers? Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA.
- Kim, K-H., Kim, T-H., & Byun, H. 2012. Effect of Lateral partners on Law Firm Performance. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA.