류용규 교수는 2015년부터 한국외국어대학교 경영대학에 재직하고 있다. 관심 연구분야는 글로벌 전략, 중소∙벤처의 국제화, 제도와 혁신성과, 지역혁신시스템과 지속가능성 등이다. 이와 관련한 연구결과는 Journal of International Business Studies, Global Strategy Journal, Long Range Planning, International Small Business Journal, R&D Management 등 국제학술지에 출간되었다.
- Global strategy and interfirm relationships
- SME entrepreneurship and internationalization
- Institutions and socio-economic consequences
- Regional innovation systems and sustainability
- 박사: The University of Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business School, UK
- 석사: Cranfield University, Cranfield School of Management, UK
- 학사: 경희대학교 경영학과
경력 및 활동
- 2019-현재: 한국외국어대학교 경영대학, 교수
- 2023-현재: University of Vaasa, Finland, 초청학자
- 2019-2021: 한국외국어대학교 글로벌경영연구소 소장
- 2015-2019: 한국외국어대학교 경영대학, 조교수, 부교수
- 2014-2015: 세종대학교 경영대학, 조교수
- 2012-2014: The University of Manchester, Alliance Manchester Business School, 조교수
- 2012: The University of Hull, Hull University Business School, 조교수
- 2007-2009: 한글과컴퓨터 사업개발실장
- 2006-2007: CJ E&M(인터넷) 해외전략팀장
- 2006: 아시아나항공 항공기재팀
- 2002-2006: NCSOFT 신규지역개발팀장
- 2000~2002: 한국통신하이텔 이커머스팀, 무선솔루션팀
[저역서, 편저의 장]
- Khan Z, Nair SR & Lew YK (2022), Research Handbook on Knowledge Transfer and International Business, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- 류용규, 박태영, 홍성진, 김현정, 박기찬 (2017), 글로벌 시대의 경쟁력 강화를 위한 전략경영, 한경사.
- Park J-Y, Ha YJ & Lew YK (2015), "International Joint Ventures and Dynamic Co-learning between MNEs and Local Firms in Emerging Economies," in The Rise of Multinationals from Emerging Economies, Konara P, Ha YJ, McDonald F & Wei Y (Eds.). Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 213-225.
- Sinkovics RR & Lew YK (2014), "Measurement and Scaling," in Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Cooper CL (Eds.). 3rd ed. London: John Wiley and Sons, 351-353.
- Lew YK & Sinkovics RR (2012), "Practices of Innovation in Mobile Computing Alliances," in International Business, Harris S, Kuivalainen O & Stoyanova V (Eds.). Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 242-262.
[국제학술지 논문]
- Kim GY, Lee WJ, Choi B & Lew YK (forthcoming), "Fostering Collaborative Opportunities for AI Start-ups: The Case of a Hybrid Business Incubator in Seoul," The Journal of Technology Transfer. (SSCI)
- Shin J, Lew YK & Seo M (2025), "Between Fashion and Piety: Hijab Influencers and Religious Communities in the Consumer Socialization of Indonesian Muslims," Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 43(1), 3-18. (SSCI)
- Shin J, Lew YK & Seo M (2024), "Constructing Muslim Womanhood in Indonesia: Hijab and the Governmentality of Religious Organizations," Asian Journal of Social Science, 52(3), 136-144. (SSCI)
- Cui L, Lew YK, Khan Z & Lu J (2024), "International Entrepreneurial Spinoffs: An Ambidextrous Approach to Internationalization," Management and Organization Review, 1-29. (SSCI)
- An YH, Lew YK & Khan Z (2024), "Non-market Strategies in Weak Institutional Environments: The Case of MNE Subsidiaries in Cameroon," Journal of International Management, 30(3), 101140. (SSCI)
- Lee JY, Choi J, Xiao SS, Lew YK & Park BI (2024), "How Do the Institutions Matter for MNE Subsidiaries' CSR in Host Countries? Evidence from Chinese Overseas Subsidiaries," Business Research Quarterly, 27(3), 244-264. (SSCI)
- Zahoor N & Lew YK (2023), "Enhancing International Marketing Capability and Export Performance of Emerging Market SMEs in Crises," International Marketing Review, 40(5), 1158-1187. (SSCI)
- Khan H, Khan Z, Lee R & Lew YK (2023), "Confrontation-coping: A Psychological Approach to Developing Market Exporting Firms' Intentions to Adopt Emerging Technologies," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 194, 122697. (SSCI)
- Zahoor N, Lew YK, Arslan A, Christofi M & Tarba SY (2023), "International Corporate Social Responsibility and Post-entry Performance of Developing Market INVs: The Moderating Role of Corporate Governance Mechanisms," Journal of International Management, 24(9), 101036. (SSCI)
- Lew YK, Zahoor N, Donbesuur F & Khan H (2023), "Entrepreneurial Alertness and Business Model Innovation in Dynamic Markets: International Performance Implications for SMEs," R&D Management, 53(3), 224-243. (SSCI)
- Park JY, Muaid R, Lew YK & Oh CH (2023), "Exploring the Role of Organizational Learning and Leadership in Developing Dynamic Capabilities," European Journal of International Management, 19(1), 27-57. (SSCI)
- Zahoor N & Lew YK (2022), "Drivers of the Post-entry Internationalisation Commitment of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises," International Small Business Journal, 40(4), 477-506. (SSCI)
- Khan Z, Amankwah-Amoah J, Lew YK, Puthusserry P & Czinkota M (2022), "Strategic Ambidexterity and Its Performance Implications for Emerging Economies Multinationals," International Business Review, 31(3), 101762. (SSCI)
- Zahoor N & Lew YK (2022), "Sustaining Superior International Performance: Strategic Orientations and Dynamic Capability of Environmentally Concerned SMEs," Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(3), 1002-1017. (SSCI)
- Kim S, Choi B & Lew YK (2021), "Where is the Age of Digitalization Heading? The Meaning, Characteristics, and Implications of Contemporary Digital Transformation," Sustainability, 13(16), 8909. (SSCI)
- Gao Q, Cui L, Lew YK, Li Z & Khan Z (2021), "Business Incubators as International Knowledge Intermediaries: Exploring Their Role in the Internationalization of Start-ups from an Emerging Market," Journal of International Management, 27(4), 100861. (SSCI)
- Lew YK & Park JY (2021), "The Evolution of N-helix of the Regional Innovation System: Implications for Sustainability," Sustainable Development, 29(2), 453-464. (SSCI)
- Park JY, Lew YK & Park BI (2021), "An Organismic Approach to Multinational Enterprise Failure," Management Decision, 59(1), 18-31. (SSCI)
- Xiao SS, Lew YK & Park BI (2021), "International New Product Development Performance, Entrepreneurial Capability, and Network in High-tech Ventures," Journal of Business Research, 124, 38-46. (SSCI)
- Xiao SS, Lew YK & Park BI (2020), "International Network Searching, Learning, and Explorative Capability," Management International Review, 60(4), 597–621. (SSCI)
- Lee H, Chae MS & Lew YK (2020), "The Application of Categorization and Stereotype Content Theories to Country-of-Origin Image," Asia Pacific Business Review, 26(3), 336-361. (SSCI)
- Su F, Khan Z, Lew YK, Park B & Choksy US (2020) "Internationalisation of Chinese SMEs: The Role of Networks and Global Value Chains," Business Research Quarterly. 23(2), 141-158. (SSCI)
- Khan Z, Lew YK & Nicholson R (2020), "The Role of Dynamic Capabilities in Global Strategy of Emerging Economies' Multinationals," International Studies of Management & Organization, 51(1), 1-4. (SCOPUS)
- Hsu CC, Park JY & Lew YK (2019), "Resilience and Risks of Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions," Multinational Business Review, 27(4), 427-450. (SSCI)
- Xiao SS, Lew YK & Park BI (2019), "2R-based View on the Internationalization of Service MNEs from Emerging Economies: Evidence from China," Management International Review, 59(4), 643–673. (SSCI)
- Khan Z, Lew YK & Marinova S (2019), "Exploitative and Exploratory Innovations in Emerging Economies: The Role of Realized Absorptive Capacity and Learning Intent," International Business Review, 28(3), 499-512. (SSCI)
- Lew YK, Kim J & Khan Z (2019), "Technological Adaptation to a Platform and Dependence in Value Co-creating Partnerships," Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 27(1), 71-89. (SSCI)
- He S, Khan Z, Lew YK & Fallon G (2019), "Technological Innovation as a Source of Chinese Multinationals' Firm-specific Advantages and Internationalization," International Journal of Emerging Markets, 14(1), 70-90. (SSCI)
- Lew YK, Yu J & Park JY (2018), "The Impacts of Independent Director and CEO Duality on Performance in the Chinese Post-institutional-transition Era," Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 35(4), 620–634. (SSCI)
- Gerschewski S, Lew YK, Khan Z & Park BI (2018), "Post-Entry Performance of International New Ventures: The Mediating Role of Learning Orientation," International Small Business Journal, 36(7), 807–828. (SSCI)
- Lew YK, Khan Z & Cozzio S (2018), "Gravitating Toward the Quadruple Helix: International Connections for the Enhancement of a Regional Innovation System in Northeast Italy," R&D Management, 48(1), 44-59. (SSCI)
- Khan Z & Lew YK (2018), "Post-Entry Survival of Developing Economy International New Ventures: A Dynamic Capability Perspective," International Business Review, 27(1), 149-160. (SSCI)
- He S, Fallon G, Khan Z, Lew YK, Kim KH & Wei P (2017), "Towards a New Wave in Internationalization of Innovation? The Rise of China’s Innovative MNEs, Strategic Coupling, and Global Economic Organization," Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 34(4), 343-355. (SSCI)
- Lew YK, Khan Z, Nicholson R & He S (2016), "Internationalization Process of Chinese SMEs: The Role of Business and Ethnic-group-based Social Networks," International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy, 1(3/4), 247-268.
- Khan Z, Lew YK & Akhtar P (2016), "The Influence of Host Country Industrial Policy and MNEs on Local Suppliers’ Learning Capability Development in an Emerging Economy," Industry and Innovation, 23(6), 512-530. (SSCI)
- Lew YK, Sinkovics RR, Yamin M & Khan Z (2016), "Trans-specialization Understanding in International Technology Alliances: The Influence of Cultural Distance," Journal of International Business Studies, 47(5), 577-594. (SSCI, UTD24, FT50)
- Lew YK & Liu Y (2016), "The Contribution of Inward FDI to Chinese Regional Innovation: The Moderating Effect of Absorptive Capacity on Knowledge Spillover," European Journal of International Management, 10(3), 284-313. (SSCI)
- Sinkovics RR, Richardson C & Lew YK (2015), "Enhancing Student Competency and Employability in International Business through Master’s Dissertations," Journal of Teaching in International Business, 26(4), 293-317. (SCOPUS)
- Khan Z, Lew YK & Park B (2015), "Institutional Legitimacy and Norms-based CSR Marketing Practices – Insights from MNCs Operating in a Developing Economy," International Marketing Review, 32(5), 463-491. (SSCI)
- Khan Z, Shenkar O & Lew YK (2015), "Knowledge Transfer from International Joint Ventures to Local Suppliers in a Developing Economy," Journal of International Business Studies, 46(6), 656-675. (SSCI, UTD24, FT50)
- Khan Z, Lew YK & Sinkovics RR (2015), "The Mirage of Upgrading Local Automotive Parts Suppliers through the Creation of Vertical Linkages with MNEs in Developing Economies," Critical Perspectives on International Business, 11(3/4), 301-318. (SCOPUS)
- Jean R-J, Sinkovics RR, Kim D & Lew YK (2015), "Drivers and Performance Implications of International Key Account Management Capability," International Business Review, 24(4), 543-555. (SSCI)
- Sinkovics RR, Sinkovics N, Lew YK, Jedin MH & Zagelmeyer S (2015), "Antecedents of Marketing Integration in Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions," International Marketing Review, 32(1), 2-28. (SSCI)
- Khan Z, Lew YK & Sinkovics RR (2015), "International Joint Ventures as Boundary Spanners: Technological Knowledge Transfer in an Emerging Economy," Global Strategy Journal, 5(1), 48-68. (SSCI)
- Lew YK, Sinkovics RR & Kuivalainen O (2013), "Upstream Internationalization Process: Roles of Social Capital in Creating Exploratory Capability and Market Performance," International Business Review, 22(6), 1101-1120. (SSCI)
- Lew YK & Sinkovics RR (2013), "Crossing Borders and Industry Sectors: Behavioral Governance in Strategic Alliances and Product Innovation for Competitive Advantage," Long Range Planning, 46(1-2), 13-38. (SSCI)
- 2024 Wiley Top Downloaded Article Award
- 2022 2021년 한국외국어대학교 연구업적상
- 2021 2020년 한국외국어대학교 연구업적상
- 2020 2019년 한국외국어대학교 연구업적상
- 2020 Outstanding Paper Award in the 2020 Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence
- 2020 Outstanding Reviewer Award in the 2020 Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence
- 2017 한국전략경영학회 AER 우수사례상
- 2016 한국국제경영학회 최우수논문상
- 2016 Best Reviewer Recognition, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
- 2013 Best Full Paper Award, the British Academy of Management
- 2013 Best Reviewer Award, the 27th British Academy of Management Conference
- 2012 A finalist of the Haynes Prize for the Most Promising Scholar Award, Academy of International Business
- 2012 Nominated for the ISPIM-Wiley Innovation Dissertation Award
- 2010 Research Project Awards, Research and Development Management Association
- 2002 EU Chamber of Commerce Scholarships, Europe-Korea Foundation
학회 주요 활동
- Academy of International Business(AIB), European International Business Academy(EIBA), International Society for Professional Innovation Management(ISPIM), 한국국제경영학회 상임이사, 한국국제경영관리학회 상임이사, 한국전문경영인학회 부회장.
- 국제학술지 편집위원회: Global Strategy Journal, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Multinational Business Review, Critical Perspectives on International Business, International Journal of Management Studies 등.
- 국제학술지 초청편집인: International Business Review, International Studies of Management & Organization, Critical Perspectives on International Business 등.
- 국제학술지 논문심사: Long Range Planning, Journal of Management Studies, Global Strategy Journal, Journal of World Business, International Business Review, Management International Review, Journal of International Management, International Marketing Review, Journal of International Business Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Industrial Marketing Management, R&D Management, Business Strategy and the Environment, Decision Science, European Management Journal, European Management Review, European Journal of International Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Critical Perspectives on International Business, Management and Organization Review, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Multinational Business Review, International Journal of Emerging Markets, Journal of Open Innovation, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Asia Pacific Business Review, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, Journal of Cleaner Production, Applied Economic Letters 등.