Professor Byung Il Park received his Ph.D. from Bradford University School of Management (UK). He is currently a Professor of International Business at the College of Business, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (South Korea). His research focuses on knowledge acquisition and performance in overseas subsidiaries. His research interests also include multinational corporation (MNC) strategy, corporate social responsibility of MNCs, and small and medium-sized enterprises. He has published more than 70 papers in international journals, such as the Journal of World Business, International Business Review, Management International Review, Journal of International Management, International Marketing Review, Corporate Governance: an International Review, International Small Business Journal, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, and Asia Pacific Journal of Management. He is also a Consulting Editor for Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review and serves as an Editorial Advisory Board Member for International Business Review. In addition, he has handled special issues, for journals such as Journal of World Business, Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, European Journal of International Management, Thunderbird International Business Review, and Management and Organization Review, among others.
- MNC strategy
- Corporate social responsibility of MNCs
- Knowledge transfer/knowledge acquisition
- Small and medium-sized enterprises
- International new ventures
- MNC corruption
- The impacts of FDI on economic growth in developing countries
- 2003.10 - 2007.07 University of Bradford (Ph.D)
- 2000.10 - 2001.12 University of Leeds (MBA)
- 1996.09 - 1999.02 성균관대학교 (MA)
- 1988.03 - 1995.02 한양대학교 (BA)
경력 및 활동
- 2010.03 - 현재 한국외국어대학교 교수
- 2018.01 - 현재 경제정의실천연합(경실련) 경제정의연구소 이사
- 2023.01 - 2023.12 (사)한국국제경영관리학회 회장
- 2020.05 - 2021.06 프레시안 칼럼니스트
- 2018.04 - 2019.04 경제정의실천연합(경실련) 기업평가위원장
- 2015.12 - 2017.02 University of Birmingham 방문교수
- 2008.03 - 2010.02 경성대학교 교수
- <한국기업의 글로벌경영사례> 오금식, 박병일 공저, 법문사(본 서는 대한민국학술원이 수여하는 2020년 우수학술도서에 선정되었으며, "해외진출 실패에서 배우는 국제경영"이라는 제목으로 경문사에 의해 재출간 되었음)
- <글로벌경영사례 100> 박병일, 노태우, 오금식 공저, 시대가치
- <국제경영> 박병일, 최지율 공역, McGraw Hill
- <글로벌경영> 서민교, 박병일 공저, 서울경제경영출판사
- <아름다운 대한민국의 건설> 박병일 저, 서울경제경영출판사(본 서는 2013년 8월 "진보에 대한 이해"라는 제목의 "e-book" 형태로 민중의 소리에 의해 재출간 되었음)
- 경향신문, [인터뷰] <아름다운 대한민국의 건설> 출간 외대 박병일교수
- 한국경제신문, [대표강의] 박병일 교수 ‘국제경영사례연구’...다양한 사례로 변화 대응법 제시
- 한겨레신문, ‘코로나 시대, 파트타임 정규직 활성화부터’ 외 6개 기고 글 작성
- 프레시안, [박병일의 Flash Talk] ‘구진천의 애국심과 개인의 욕심’ 外 62개에 이르는 칼럼 글 집필
- 서울신문, “나쁜 노동에 사회적 공감 늘리고 기업익 감소 이끌어야” 기획/연재 참여
- interview with TBS radio “this morning” (in English)
- interview with Channel NewsAsia(채널 뉴스아시아). 본 인터뷰는 "the baby makers"라는 다큐멘터리 제목으로 2022년 8월 22일 방송되었음
[국내학술지 논문]
- 박 병일 (2023), 일본계 자회사 제품과 한국 소비자의 구매의사 간의 관계, 국제경영리뷰 27(2): 61~72 外 27편 논문 게재.
[국제학술지 논문]
- 77 papers have been published in international journals, and the following are some of them.
- Byung Il Park, and Simon Shufeng Xiao (2024), Reverse knowledge transfer from the periphery to the core: Focusing on local market information, European Management Journal, 42, 698-720.
- Huijeong Kim, Byung Il Park, Omar Al-Tabbaa, and Zaheer Khan (2024), Knowledge transfer and protection in international joint ventures: An integrative review, International Business Review, 33, 102300.
- Simon Shufeng Xiao, Taewoo Roh, Pervez Ghauri, Moon Whan Cho, and Byung Il Park (2024), MNCs' social innovation in emerging markets: A stakeholder perspective, Management International Review, 64, 633-670.
- Jeoung Yul Lee, Byung Il Park, Pervez Ghauri, and Vikas Kumar (2024), Corruptive practices, digitalization, and international business, Journal of Business Research, 181, 114748.
- Steve Kyungjae Lee, Pervez Ghauri, Kum-Sik Oh, Simon Shufeng Xiao, Byung Il Park, and Ana M. Romero-Martinez (2024), Reverse knowledge transfer from subsidiaries to headquarters: Chinese firms in Africa, Journal of International Management, 30(1),101114.
- Taewoo Roh, Simon Shufeng Xiao, and Byung Il Park (2024), MNEs' capabilities and their sustainable business in emerging markets. Journal of International Management, 30(1),101097.
- Pervez Ghauri, Simon Shufeng Xiao, Byung Il Park, and Seong-Jin Choi (2023), Protectionism and its impact on MNC subsidiaries' performance, Management International Review, 63, 731-757.
- Simon Shufeng Xiao, Taewoo Roh, and Byung Il Park (2023), Double-edged sword of open innovation to business failure in the post-pandemic era: The moderating roles of industrial embeddedness and absorptive capacity, Industrial Marketing Management, 115, 378-394.
- Yunok Cho, Nigel Driffield, Sourindra Banergee, and Byung Il Park (2023), Returns to internationalization: Business group-affiliated firms vs standalone fimrs, Management International Review, 63, 603-639.
- Jeoung Yul Lee, Young Soo Yang, Pervez Ghauri, and Byung Il Park (2022), The impact of social media and digital platforms experience on SME international orientation: The moderating effects of Covid-19 pandemic, Journal of International Management, 28, 100950.
- Byung Il Park and Simon Shufeng Xiao (2021), Doing good by combating bad in the digital world: Institutional pressures, anti-corruption practices, and competitive implications of MNE foreign subsidiaries, Journal of Business Research, 137, 194-205.
- Jeoung Yul Lee, Byung Chul Choi, Pervez Ghauri, and Byung Il Park (2021), Knowledge centralization and international R&D team performance: Unpacking the moderating roles of team-specific characteristics, Journal of Business Research, 128, 627-640.
- Simon Shufeng Xiao, Yong Kyu Lew, and Byung Il Park (2021), International new product development performance, entrepreneurial capability, and network in high-tech ventures, Journal of Business Research, 124, 38-46.
- Jeoung Yul Lee, Young Soo Yang, and Byung Il Park (2020), Interplay between dual dimensions of ambidextrous knowledge sharing within globalized chaebols: Moderating effects of organizational and global environmental munificence, International Business Review, 29(6), 1016-1037.
- Simon Shufeng Xiao, Yong Kyu Lew, and Byung Il Park (2020), International network searching, learning, and explorative capability: Small and medium-sized enterprises from China, Management International Review, 60, 597-621.
- S. Tamer Cavusgil, Seyda Deligonul, Pervez N. Ghauri, Vasiliki Bamiatzi, Byung Il Park, and Kamel Mellahi (2020), Risk in international business and its mitigation, Journal of World Business, 55, 1-6.
- Simon Shufeng Xiao, Yong Kyu Lew, and Byung Il Park (2019), ‘2R-based view’ on the internationalization of emerging economy service MNEs: Evidence from China, Management International Review, 59, 643-673.
- Stephan Gerschewski, Yong Kyu Lew, Zaheer Khan, and Byung Il Park (2018), Post-entry performance of international new ventures: The mediating role of learning orientation, International Small Business Journal, 36(7), 807-828.
- Byung Il Park and Adam H. Cave (2018), Corporate social responsibility in international joint ventures, International Business Review, 27(6), 1213-1228.
- Simon Shufeng Xiao and Byung Il Park (2018), Bring institutions into FDI spillover research: Exploring the impact of ownership restructuring and institutional development in emerging economies, International Business Review, 27(1), 289-308.
- Moon Yong Kim and Byung Il Park (2017), The impact of country-of-origin on context effects in choice, International Marketing Review, 34(6), 706-734.
- Zaheer Khan, Yong Kyu Lew, and Byung Il Park (2015), Institutional legitimacy and norms-based CSR marketing practices –Insights from MNCs operating in a developing economy, International Marketing Review, 32(5), 463-491.
- Sung-Jun Lee, Joongwha Kim, and Byung Il Park (2015), Cultural clashes in cross-border mergers and acquisitions: A case study between Sweden’s Volvo and Korea’s Samsung, International Business Review, 24, 580-593.
- Byung Il Park and Pervez N. Ghauri (2015), Determinants influencing CSR practices in small and medium sized MNE subsidiaries: A stakeholder perspective, Journal of World Business, 50, 192-204.
- Byung Il Park and Jiyul Choi (2014), Control mechanisms of MNEs and absorption of foreign technological capabilities in cross-border acquisitions, International Business Review, 23, 130-144.
- Jeoung Yul Lee, Young-Ryeol Park, Pervez N. Ghauri, and Byung Il Park (2014), Innovative knowledge transfer patterns of group-affiliated companies: The effects on foreign subsidiary performance, Journal of International Management, 20(2), 107-123.
- Byung Il Park, Agnieszka Chidlow, and Jiyul Choi (2014). Corporate social responsibility: Stakeholders influence on MNEs’ activities, International Business Review, 23, 966-980.
- Jiyul Choi and Byung Il Park (2014). Environmentally responsible management of MNE subsidiaries: Stakeholder perspective. Multinational Business Review, 22(1): 59-77.
- Yong-Bok Jeon, Byung Il Park, and Pervez N. Ghauri (2013), Foreign direct investment spillover effects in China: Are they different across industries with different technological levels?, China Economic Review, 26, 105-117.
- Suk Bong Choi, Byung Il Park, and Paul Hong (2012), Does ownership structure matter for firm technological innovation performance? The case of Korean firms, Corporate Governance: an International Review, 20(3), 267-288.
- Byung Il Park (2012), What changes the rules of the game in wholly owned subsidiaries? Determinants of knowledge acquisition from parent firms, International Business Review, 21, 547-557.
- Pervez N. Ghauri and Byung Il Park (2012), The impacts of turbulent event on technology acquisition: Comparison of cross-border acquisitions formed before and after the crisis, Management International Review, 52(2), 293-315.
- Byung Il Park (2011), Knowledge transfer capacity of multinational enterprises and technology acquisition in international joint ventures, International Business Review, 20, 75-87.
- Byung Il Park and Pervez N. Ghauri (2011), Key factors affecting acquisition of technological capabilities from foreign acquiring firms in small and medium sized local firms, Journal of World Business, 46, 116-125.
- Byung Il Park (2010), What matters to managerial knowledge acquisition in international joint ventures? High versus low knowledge acquirers, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 27(1), 55-79.
- 2024년 11월. 한국국제경영학회 해외우수논문상 수상
- 2024년 4월, 한국외국어대학교 경영대학 교원업적평가 우수교원상
- 2012년 4월 - 2019년 4월, 한국외국어대학교 경영대학 연구업적우수상: 8년 연속 수상
- 2018년 6월, Honourable Mention in the 2017 Best Paper Competition (awarded by Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences)
- 2018년 6월, Outstanding Paper Award (awarded by Emerald Publishing)
- 2017년 11월, 한국국제경영학회 국내우수논문상 수상.
- 2016년 12월, AIB Southeast Asia (AIBSEAR) Regional Conference 최우수논문상
- 2010년 8월, 제12회 경영관련학회 통합학술대회 우수논문상
- 2009년 11월, 경성대학교 공로상
- 1999년 2월, 대학원전체 수석졸업 (총장상 수상)
학회 주요 활동
- Editor-in-Chief (Founding Editor) for International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy (2015 - 2021)
- Regional Editor (Asia) for International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets (2014 - 2016)
- Editorial Advisory Board Member for International Business Review (2017 - 현재)
- Consulting Editor for Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review (2021 - 현재)
- 한국국제경영관리학회 회장
- 한국경영컨설팅학회 부회장
- 한국국제경영학회 부회장
- 국제경영연구 편집위원장
- Journal of World Business 외 13개 해외학술지 Guest Editor
언론/방송 노출
- 2022년 5월 27일 interview with Channel NewsAsia(채널 뉴스아시아). 본 인터뷰는 "the baby makers"라는 다큐멘터리 제목으로 2022년 8월 22일 방송되었음.
- 2024년 8월 11일자 미디어스, "조선의 붕당정치와 대한민국 보수의 친일".
- 2024년 8월 8일자 미디어스. "미필적 고의에 의한 살인과 의사들의 집단행동".
- 2024년 7월 12일자 프레시안, "퇴임한 권력자에게도 현 권력자에게도 법 적용은 같아야..."
- 2022년 4월 7일자 오마이뉴스, ‘윤 당선인의 검찰, 그의 바람대로 실현되려면’.
- 2021년 12월 29일자 프레시안, ‘포퓰리즘 or 내로남불? 국민 집단지성의 선택이 궁금하다’.
- 2020년 7월 6일 interview with TBS radio "this morning' (in English).
- 2020년 5월 16일 ∼ 2021년 6월 21일 프레시안, [박병일의 Flash Talk] ‘구진천의 애국심과 개인의 욕심’ 外 62개에 이르는 칼럼 글 집필.
- 2020년 5월 14일자 한겨레신문, ‘코로나 시대, 파트타임 정규직 활성화부터’.
- 2020년 5월 9일자 오마이뉴스, ‘코로나 때문에 늘어난 재수? 우리는 그 이유를 안다’.
- 2020년 5월 9일자 프레시안, ‘‘포스트 코로나’ 굴뚝 없는 전략산업, 세 가지를 제안한다‘.
- 2020년 5월 5일자 프레시안, ‘응답하라 북한! 남북 경제협력은 선택 아니라 필수다’.
- 2020년 4월 28일자 프레시안, ‘3조 혈세 들어간 한진·금호 오너 일가는 코로나 위기 고통 분담했나’.
- 2013년 4월 21일자 한국경제신문, [대표강의] 박병일 교수 ‘국제경영사례연구’...다양한 사례로 변화 대응법 제시.
- 2012년 3월 25일자 경향신문, [인터뷰] <아름다운 대한민국의 건설> 출간 외대 박병일교수.