- 재무/외국인조교수
- LL.M in Taxation, Boston University
- 02-2173-2890
- Soo Jin Kim
- suekim2009@gmail.com
- 사이버관 C512호
짧은 자기 소개 기입란
- Business Law, International Trade Law, Regulatory Law, International Business Law, International Economic Law, American Corporate Law, Comparative International Law, International Tax Law
- LL.M in Taxation, Boston University
- J.D., Northeastern University
경력 및 활동
- 2011-present Assistant Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
- 2011 Adjunct Faculty, University of Phoenix
- 2000-2008 Manager, National Tax, Ernst & Young, LLP
학회 주요 활동
- 2010-present Advisory Legal Counsel for Tax Park, Member of the Business Law section of the ABA, Member of the International Law section of the ABA, Member of the Taxation section of the ABA