송인정 교수는 펜실베니아 주립대학교에서 경제학 학사를, 템플 대학교에서 금융공학 석사를, 조지아 대학교에서 리스크 관리 및 보험 박사 학위를 취득 하였다. 미국 알칸소 센트럴 대학교 경영대학 조교수를 거쳐 현재 한국외국어대학교 경영대학 조교수로 재직 중이다. 주요 연구분야는 리스크 관리 및 보험, 이익 관리, 내부 자본 시장 등이다. 송인정 교수는 긍정적인 마인드의 소유자로 진솔하게 학생을 지도하며, 아울러 국내외 재무 및 보험 학문발전에 다양한 활동을 하고 있다.
- Risk Management, Insurance, Earnings Management, Internal Capital Markets, Diversification, Insurance Company Operations and Regulation, Distribution Channel, Bancassurance, Insuretech
- Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Georgia, 2016 - Major area: Risk Management and Insurance - Minor area: Finance
- M.S. in Financial Engineering, Temple University, 2011
- B.S. in Economics, The Pennsylvania State University, 2009
경력 및 활동
- Associate Professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), 2023.3 - current
- Assistant Professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), 2017.3 - 2023.3.2
- Assistant Professor at University of Central Arkansas (UCA), 2016.8 - 2017.2
- "Racial Health Disparities in the United States: A Nonparametric Decomposition Approach", Academia Economic Papers, 52(2), 109-141. (2024) with I. S. Ha, & W. H. Lee
- "An examination of the impact of health insurance of enrollment in reducing health disparities", The Journal of Economics and Fanace, 1-18. (2023) with I. S. Ha, W. H., Lee& M. J, Choi
- "Improving insurers' loss reserve error prediction: Adopting combined unsupervised-supervised machine learning techniques in risk management", The Journal of Finance and Data Science, 8, 223-254. (2022) with W. J., Heo
- "퇴직연금펀드의 성과 및 펀드선택에 대한 연구 : E-클래스와 일반 클래스 펀드의 비교 분석", 리스크관리연구, 33, 35-65. (2022) with J.J., Park & I. W., Song
- "손해보험회사의 지급준비금 오차율과 내부자본시장에 관한 실증 연구", 보험금융연구, 2, 3-33. (2022) with Y. J., Yang
- "The traders' rule and long-term options", The Journal of Futures Markets, 41(3), 406-436. (2021) with S., Kim
- "Accruals quality and analyst forecast accurcy: Evidence from the Property-Casualty insurance industry", International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance. 12(3). 240-265. (2021)
- "미국손해보험회사의 상품다각화가 파생상품 활용에 미치는 영향", 보험금융연구, 22(2), 77-101. (2020) with C. W., Hong
- "The effect of experiencing a deah on life insurance ownership", Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 22, 170-176. (2019) with Park H. J., Park, N. R., & W. J., Heo
- "손해보험회사의 재무건전성과 지급준비금 부족율 및 변동성에 관한 실증 연구", 보험학회지, 118, 31-60. (2019) with Y.J., Yang
- "An overview of U.S. Property-Liability insurer earnings management via loss reserves", Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 22(6), 1-22. (2018)
[학술대회 발표논문]
- 2025 - Eastern Economic Association
- 2024 - Southern Economic Association, 한국보험학회 하계연합학술대회
- 2023 - Asia Pacific Risk Insurance Association
- 2021 - American Risk and Insurance Association, Asia Pacific Risk Insurance Association
- 2020 - Asia Pacific Association of Derivatives, World Risk Insurance Economics Congress
- 2019 - Asia Pacific Risk Insurance Association, 한국보험학회 동계학술대회, 한국파생상품학회 추계학술대회
- 2018 - Multinational Finance Society, Western Risk and Insurance Association, 재무관련 5개 학회 공동 학술발표회
- 2017 - International Risk Management Conference, 한국보험학회 하계연합학술대회
- 2016 - American Risk and Insurance Association, Southern Risk and Insurance Association
- 2015 - Financial Management Association, Western Risk and Insurance Association, Southern Risk and Insurance Association, World Risk Insurance Economics Congress
- 2014 - American Risk and Insurance Association, Southern Risk and Insurance Association
- Outstanding Graduate Assistant Teaching Award, University of Georgia, 2016
- S.S. Huebner Research Scholar, 2015 - 2016
- OVPR Foreign Travel Assistantship, University of Georgia, 2015
- Summer Research Scholarship, University of Georgia, 2014, 2015
- KNOX Scholarship, University of Georgia, 2011 - 2016
- Dean’s list, University of Georgia, Temple University, The Pennsylvania State University, 2005 - 2016
- National Honor Society, 2003 - 2004
학회 주요 활동
- Financial Management Association (FMA)
- American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA)
- Southern Risk and Insurance Association (SRIA)
- Western Risk and Insurance Association (WRIA)
- Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA)
- Korea Insurance Academic Society (KIAS) 한국보험학회
- Korea Risk Management Society (KRMS) 한국리스크관리학회
- Korea Finance Associaion (KFA) 한국재무학회
- Korea Derivatives Association (KDA) 한국파생상품학회
- Korea America Finance Association (KAFA) 한미재무학회